

Here you will find the church organized as Christ directed in the New Testament. We are autonomous as a local church, which means that our only head is Jesus Christ - we answer to no other central office or institution. Rather, when Jesus established the church he also established stewards to watch over the souls of each local church. Qualifcations for such men are found in Titus 1:5-16; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; 1 Peter 5:1-4.  These men go by many names, all describing different functions of the same office:

Elders: Titus 1:5 - these are older men who have demonstrated their ability to lead their own family to follow Jesus. They now serve as spiritual fathers over this local church, our spiritual family. 

Shepherds: 1 Peter 5:1-2 - As shepherds, the man who holds this office also protects and feeds the flock. A man who fills this office must be able to teach, admonish, and exercise godly discipline. 

Overseer: Acts 20:28 - As overseers, they watch over our souls and will one day give an account for how they have done so. Overseers therefore will be involved in the lives of their members, and know their needs & abilities. 

Steward: Titus 1:7 - The Lord has given his most prized posession into the hands of these men. As stewards of the church, these must be trustworthy men who are able to devolope and grow Christians while they are in their care.

Our Shepherds: 

Joe Dale Gerlach          Harold Godbey

Mark Joslin                    Jonathan Leber

Randy Ratliff                 Damon Stewart

The Lord has also directed for worthy men to be appointed as deacons, that is servants, to assist in the service of the Lord's church. Qualifications for deacons can be found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. As evidenced in Acts 6, the role of a deacon is take on the responsibilities that would free up the elders to devote their time to leading the church. Therefore though the function of a deacon is the same in every place, their responsibilities may vary depending on the needs of that church. 

Our Deacons: 

Michael Couch          Joe Gerlach          Ronnie Moffitt

Blake Ratliff               John Scott            Tommy Shirley

Philip Smith                Daron Stewart    Jared Wooten

As exampled in the new testament, this church also partners in the gospel with an evangelist (Ephesians 4:11-12). The role of an evangelist is to equip the saints for the work of ministry. This is done through preaching, teaching, and modeled behavior (1 Timothy 4:12-16). this church also helps to support several men in other places in the world doing this work, as well as our own evangelist here at Danville. 

Our Evangelists:

BJ Sipe

Mike Estes